“Change is a Journey” – Irish Youth Workers in Greece with Erasmus+ Youth Worker Mobility program

Fotoessa had the great privilege to participate in the Erasmus+ Youth Worker Mobility program: “Change is a Journey” – Irish Youth Workers in Greece, from 15 to 21 of April ’23. We organised and offered our eight guests tailor made workshops, innovative activities and intercultural trainings, on site visits and cultural exchanges with a variety of Greek Civil Society members who work with a wide range of youth in diverse ways, both from our local community, in Mesogeia region, and from the city of Athens. We presented our fellow Irish colleagues a clear view of Greek experiences, challenges and best practices in the field of youth work within our Civil Society. The program focused on three major targets: 1) collaborating in teams, 2) communicating meaningfully and 3) displaying intercultural sensitivity. Navigating through these targets, all team participants engaged to heartwarming self expression and communication and achieved an authentic bonding with each other through in depth discussions and truthful intercultural dialogue about common challenges and visions. Both Greek and Irish participants have forged their collaboration skills, gained a better understanding of European values and conditions, while enhancing their intercultural awareness so as to continue and improve their services for youth.

Fotoessa team, John Sourelis, Aspa Protogerou and Stefanos Vallianatos, would like to wholeheartedly thank our Irish Youth Work friends from CDYS and our fellow Greek organizations and colleagues: Antonis Sifakis and Yota Arvaniti from SCI Hellas, Mustafa Mohammad from Velos Youth, Eleni Kardamitsi from Hellenic Youth Participation, Amalia (Emily) Gardouni, the educators Maria Papadopoulou, Sofia Syrigou, Ioannis Lekkas and Stamatis Skampardonis from Προστασία της Φύσης (Ελληνική Εταιρία Προστασίας της Φύσης), Sophia Roc-Mela, Dionysis Giannibas and Petroula Dourampei from Βιοτεχνικό-Βιομηχανικό Εκπαιδευτικό Μουσείο, Anastasia Ioannidis, Saronida Library-Βιβλιοθήκη Σαρωνίδας and Young Volunteers in Action IA, Georgia Protopsaltis from The Folk Museum of Anavyssos, and all the members of CHLOA Dancing Folk Club of Anavyssos, Yota Drakou, Anta Polyzou from Μελανθώ – Melantho, the talented musician Maritzina Antwnatou, Michael Vlados from the Mineralogical Museum Ορυκτολογικό μουσείο Λαυρίου, Zacharo Frantzeskou from Fokaeon Politeia , Dimitrios Athanasiou, Maria Kollia, and Fotoessa’s volunteer Ioulitta Soureli.

This project is funded by Erasmus+ & Irish Aid. Supported by Leargas, UBU & Cork ETB Youth Services.

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