We had the privilege to share our experience from the successful transnational program BeMyVoice (“Be my Voice”) for the support of freedom of expression, along with other best practices of respective organizations, in the frame of the educational workshop organized on November 5th by the Greek Antipoverty Network, which participates in the educational ERASMUS+ program: “NGO Competence”- Improving the competences of NGO educators for social inclusion (March 2022-September 2023).
The aim of the program, in which organizations from 5 countries participate, is to train staff and improve their skills through exchanges of good practices. Emphasis is placed on animators/trainers, social service workers and staff who support socially excluded groups and individuals for their social inclusion. In this context, two educational workshops were organized, on November 5 and 19, at Serafeio Athletic & Community Complex of the Municipality of Athens on the following topics: A) Social inclusion practices – exchange of experiences and B) Gender-based integration practices
Fotoessa warmly thanks the good colleagues from the Greek Antipoverty Network, Spyros Psychas, Yiota Arvaniti and Manto Baboula, for the hospitality, as well as for the opportunity we were given to meet, in person and via Zoom, such worthy humanitarian fighters of the “front line”.