Social Entrepreneurship can make a major contribution to improving modern social reality. Fotoessa recognizes new data and aims to prepare and train executives who can work effectively in Social Enterprises, to carry out research projects that will improve the operating status and the context within which they operate and contribute substantially to improving the structure and the criteria governing the operation of this new mode of entrepreneurship.
Fotoessa is an authorized trainer for the Creative & Social Entrepreneurship Program (CSEP) of the In Place of War (IPOW) awarded organization of University of Manchester.
“The AGORA toolkit for creative entrepreneurship” workshop in the frame of the EESD Forum 2024 in Rhodes
Presentation of the Creative and Social Entrepreneurship Programme (CSEP) at the workshop on “Innovative educational programs for vulnerable groups” of “NGO Competence” ERASMUS+
“Women on Ιslands, Motors of Sustainable Tourism”
May 2019: The conclusion of the program AGORA Erasmus +, in Athens, Greece
Romantso: Creative Hub & Cultural Center
Shedia: Support for the Homeless and Contribution to Social Inclusion
Kinitiras: A Case Study on Encouraging Sustainability and Growth of Social and Creative Entrepreneurship
Municipal Kypseli Market: The first market of social entrepreneurship and urban regeneration in Greece
Youth Seminar from “Sociality” Cooperative: The Importance of Online Presence
Seminar on Funding for Young Entrepreneurs
Orange Grove Seminar: Support for Startups
Dr Zoe Cournia: Seminar on Opportunities in European Funding for Young People
Spiti Art Bar: A Successful Case Study
Welcommon Hostel: A Unique Model of Socially-responsible and Sustainable Tourism in Athens
March 2019: The AGORA program, Erasmus +, in Cluj, Romania
November-December 2018: The AGORA program, Erasmus +, in Manchester, England
June 2018: Τhe first part of the AGORA program, Erasmus +, Sweden
FOTOESSA as the Host Company in Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs Program 2019
WELCOME TO AGORA Erasmus+ Program!
September 2017: Fotoessa was certified in The Training of Trainers in Creative and Social Entrepreneurship Program (CSEP Training)