Kinitiras: A Case Study on Encouraging Sustainability and Growth of Social and Creative Entrepreneurship

Fotoessa decided to include the internationally recognized Artistic Network for Performing Arts ‘Kinitiras’ in the last international Agora Erasmus + training (2019) in Athens, as it is an excellent case study on encouraging sustainability and growth of social and creative entrepreneurship during challenging sociopolitical times. Kinitiras connects professionals and amateurs, people from different racial, ethnic, socioeconomic,

Municipal Kypseli Market: The first market of social entrepreneurship and urban regeneration in Greece

Elena Lambrou, from Impact Hub Athens, welcomed the Agora Erasmus+ Program (2019) participants in a bold community prototype, the Municipal Kypseli Market, the first market of social entrepreneurship and urban regeneration in Greece. Following a participatory model of management and revival of the urban commons, the Municipality of Athens chose through an open process the Impact

Youth Seminar from “Sociality” Cooperative: The Importance of Online Presence

Living in the era of social media implies reaching the audience and customers through websites and different social accounts. Spyros Tzortzis from Sociality (the cooperative for digital communication that provides services for the online world) delivered an informative and educative presentation for the Agora Erasmus+ Program (2019) participants. They were given a useful insight into digital communication,

Seminar on Funding for Young Entrepreneurs

Funding was considered to be the most difficult step in the project development by the majority of Agora Erasmus+ Program (2019) participants. For that reason, Fotoessa invited Mrs. Katerina Balamoti, the Senior Project Coordinator in The Heritage Management Organization and Representative of the Hellenic Foundation for Culture in Iran. She held an unconventional, profound and

Welcommon Hostel: A Unique Model of Socially-responsible and Sustainable Tourism in Athens

“We are part of the social change we want to see happen.” Fotoessa chose Welcommon Hostel as the main venue for the Agora Erasmus + activities (2019) and the stay of its participants since it is a unique model of socially-responsible and sustainable tourism in Athens. Nikos Chrysogelos presented the aspirational Welcommon project which combines