ALF Greek National Network Meeting in Rhodes (10-12/9/21)

The weekend 10-12/09/2021 in the island of Rhodes, Fotoessa PC participated in the annual meeting of the national network of the Anna Lindh Foundation. The meeting was attended by representatives of member organisations of civil society from all over Greece. During the meeting we discussed about the report of last year’s activities, we set the goals for the coming year, we talked about what we think ALF should focus on, our member, Mrs Protogerou conducted an workshop on the handbook of the foundation on active citizenship and there were many parallel activities. 2021 was a difficult year for the proper functioning of the Greek network of the Anna Lindh Foundation, as many actions that were planned were either done online or were canceled due to the pandemic. For this reason, the priority of the Greek network was for the third national meeting to be held with physical presence, observing all protection measures as much as possible.

Intercultural Workshop within “BeMyVoice” Τransnational Μeeting in Luxemburg

On 27 July ’21, during the transnational meeting in the frame of Anna Lindh Foundation’s “Be My Voice” programme in Luxemburg, Fotoessa’s project manager, Aspasia Protogerou, certified ALF’s ToT on Intercultural Citizenship Education with facilitator and Fotoessa’s co-founder, John Sourelis, organised an initiating intercultural workshop for the participants of the programme in order to facilitate

Intercultural Citizenship Education in Paros within the “Women on islands, Motors of Sustainable Tourism” Program

What could be in common among Paros’ Civil Society members, a women’s entrepreneurship enhancement program in Sustainable Tourism and the Little Prince of St. Exupéry? All three converged nicely in a common place and time, specifically on May 25 2021, at the site of the cultural association “Archilochos”, in Parikia, Paros. There, the members of


May-Dec21 With a view to expand and implement all the tools and skills acquired during the Training of Trainers in Nicosia in 2019, Anna Lindh Foundation encouraged the forming of a consortium of certified educators, in order to exchange knowhow and organize pilot intercultural educational programs and workshops in the EuroMed region. The Consortium which

“Developing Intercultural Competencies through STORY CIRCLES”- An UNESCO & ALF international training

[foogallery id=”867″] It was a great privilege for Fotoessa, and Aspasia Protogerou ToT, in particular, to join the international training, organised by UNESCO and the Anna Lindh Foundation, on “Developing Intercultural Competencies through STORY CIRCLES”.  STORY CIRCLES is an important resource for anyone concerned with effectively managing the growing cultural diversity within our societies to

Intercultural Competence Workshop with Patrick Gruczkun, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

Fotoessa’s Intercultural Citizenship Education trainer, Aspasia Protogerou, attended the Training on Intercultural Competence online workshop, delivered by Patrick Gruczkun, with the Coordination Team of the ALF German Network and the support of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), on April 21st 2020. Patrick, using a good balance between theory and practice, delivered in two 2 1/2-hour-

Presentation of the LIVING LIBRARIES recounting tool from The House of Europe in Rhodes in the frame of “Be My Voice” transnational project

Within the frame of the “Be My Voice” transnational project, supported by EU and the Anna Lindh Foundation network, Fotoessa had the privilege to welcome “The House of Europe in Rhodes” in a web presentation of the “Living Libraries”, an acknowledged tool for supporting freedom of speech and challenging prejudice and discrimination, creating a safe

“Women on Ιslands, Motors of Sustainable Tourism”

“Women on islands, Motors of Sustainable Tourism” Fotoessa partners in innovative program sponsored by the ALF Fotoessa PC is proudly participating in the transnational Anna Lindh Foundation (ALF) program “Women on islands, Motors of Sustainable Tourism”. The project is aiming to help women entrepreneurs and organisations in four small islands, strategically selected (in Croatia, UK,