Fotoessa’s Intercultural Citizenship Education trainer, Aspasia Protogerou, attended the Training on Intercultural Competence online workshop, delivered by Patrick Gruczkun, with the Coordination Team of the ALF German Network and the support of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), on April 21st 2020.
Patrick, using a good balance between theory and practice, delivered in two 2 1/2-hour- long online sessions via Zoom, on:
- Intercultural competence: what it is and how it works
· Identity and migration
· Culture and cultural differences – as a concept with benefits and limitations
· The danger of the single story – on stereotypes
· Dealing with value conflicts
lntercultural competence is the ability to function effectively across cultures, to think and act appropriately, and to communicate and work with people from different cultural backgrounds – at home or abroad. Intercultural competence is a valuable asset in an increasingly globalised world where we are more likely to interact with people from different cultures and countries who have been shaped by different values, beliefs and experiences. (source: Monash University).
A classic approach to the concept of culture is to say that it’s defined by similarly between people (within a country or group). But within one and the same culture (no matter if we mean a country or group) there are always a lot of different behaviors, opinions and values. What a culture does create, however, is a context where certain differences are expected. You feel “at home” in a culture when you are able to navigate between these differences and they feel familiar to you.
Intercultural competence is relevant in situations where we are not familiar with each other’s ways to think, feel and act and when we believe that the reason for this are cultural differences. When we are in such a situation we can get confused, uneasy or frustrated. Intercultural competence then is about regaining the feeling of being “at home” and hence expanding the contexts in which we are able to navigate.
According to Professor Fethi Mansouri, UNESCO Chairholder, intercultural dialogue is in itself an essential tool that we will need in the post-COVID-19 environment. We will need to renegotiate a new global compact, a new social contract. Dialogue will have to play a key role in that. Perhaps it is being compromised right now, but it has a big role to play in the post-COVID-19 world that will emerge.
Patrick Gruczkun is an education leader and has a long experience on intercultural competence and conflict resolution training. He was in charge of the Anna Lindh Foundation network coordination from 2011-2016. His firm, Samarbets bolaget, is a member of the Anna Lindh Foundation, Swedish network.

“Intercultural Dialogue & Youth: Challenges – Competences – Best Practices” A transnational experiential workshop for Hons students

“ACT FOR A BETTER FUTURΕ!” an Erasmus+ Youth Exchange Project for a “sustainable intercultural interaction”

“The pot rolled and found its lid”: A participatory puppets play on conflict resolution “born” in the frame of an ALF Mobility for Creativity Programme

Permaculture seminar in Fotoessa’s garden

Our celebration of the World Day of Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development with a live broadcast event

“Media Literacy for Women Empowerment” guide: The fruitful conclusion of Fotoessa’s and ATAC’s collaboration

“Media Literacy for Women Empowerment” paper – A focus on Greece and Tunisia

“The AGORA toolkit for creative entrepreneurship” workshop in the frame of the EESD Forum 2024 in Rhodes

“Visual Bridges” transnational workshop on Ethical Photography, Intercultural Dialogue and Artivism

Presentation of ALF Intercultural Citizenship Education tools to the students of the School of Humanities, University of the Aegean

“Out of the Box”: all day Intercultural Workshop for Spanish students from Fundació Llor hosted by SCI Hellas’

Anna Lindh Foundation-Greek Network: Members’ annual meeting

“A New Gender Era”: Online session on gender stereotypes and the role of media

Intercultural Dialogue workshop for NGO “People of Love” volunteers

“Frame the Change”: Ethical Storytelling & Photography Training by femLENS

“Bridging Boundaries”: Media Literacy training to empower Civil Society orgs

“Challenging Perception and Suspending Judgment” on line intercultural workshop for Youth Workers

Intercultural Workshop for SCI Hellas’ Young Volunteers

“Gender Identity & Violence when Empowering the Youth” (GIVEN) Erasmus+ program

“Change is a Journey” – Irish Youth Workers in Greece with Erasmus+ Youth Worker Mobility program

Presentation of the Creative and Social Entrepreneurship Programme (CSEP) at the workshop on “Innovative educational programs for vulnerable groups” of “NGO Competence” ERASMUS+

“From gender stereotypes to gender-based violence”: Interactive discussion

“UKRAINIAN CULTURAL HERITAGE UNDER THREAT”: Program for the promotion of the Ukrainian Cultural Heritage

INTERCULTURAL WORKSHOP on SOCIAL RESILIENCE for Young Volunteers in the Municipality of Saronikos: “Exploring PERCEPTION”

Fotoessa participating in Greek Antipoverty Network’s Erasmus+ program: “NGO Competence – Improving the competences of NGO educators for social inclusion”

Experiential Workshops on INTERCULTURAL DIALOGUE and SOCIAL RESILIENCE for EDUCATORS of the Municipality of Saronikos

Conclusion of the “Intercultural Competences Development Workshops” Deree – The American College of Greece, Nov’21

Intercultural Capacity Building Training Program: “Identity and Interculturalism: From Me to We”

“INTERCULTURAL CAPACITY & TEAM BUILDING”: The “Pilot training in Intercultural Citizenship Education in the Euro-Mediterranean region” project in a Greek private company

ALF Greek National Network Meeting in Rhodes (10-12/9/21)

Intercultural Workshop in Rhodes, in the framework of the meeting of the National ALF Network, Sep 2021

Intercultural Workshop within “BeMyVoice” Τransnational Μeeting in Luxemburg

“Be My Voice” – The Greek Volunteering Artists’ Exhibition

Intercultural Citizenship Education in Paros within the “Women on islands, Motors of Sustainable Tourism” Program


“Developing Intercultural Competencies through STORY CIRCLES”- An UNESCO & ALF international training

Intercultural Competence Workshop with Patrick Gruczkun, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

Presentation of the LIVING LIBRARIES recounting tool from The House of Europe in Rhodes in the frame of “Be My Voice” transnational project

“Women on Ιslands, Motors of Sustainable Tourism”


“QUO VADIS EURO-MED?” A Civil Society Research

BeMyVoice: A Transnational Solidarity Movement in support of Freedom of Speech

Intercultural Citizenship Education: “Identity & Multiculturality” community activity

“Empty classrooms: the impact of COVID-19 on education”: Online discussion by “Friends of Europe”

First Intercultural Citizenship Education Virtual Exchange – 15 April 2020

ALF Training for Trainers on Intercultural Citizenship Education (25/11 to 1/12/19)

ALF Hellas National Network Members’ Meeting

May 2019: The conclusion of the program AGORA Erasmus +, in Athens, Greece

Holistic Life Coaching Seminar: Personal Empowerment as the key to achieving individual goals

Romantso: Creative Hub & Cultural Center

Shedia: Support for the Homeless and Contribution to Social Inclusion

Kinitiras: A Case Study on Encouraging Sustainability and Growth of Social and Creative Entrepreneurship

Municipal Kypseli Market: The first market of social entrepreneurship and urban regeneration in Greece

Youth Seminar from “Sociality” Cooperative: The Importance of Online Presence

Seminar on Funding for Young Entrepreneurs

Orange Grove Seminar: Support for Startups

Dr Zoe Cournia: Seminar on Opportunities in European Funding for Young People

Spiti Art Bar: A Successful Case Study

Welcommon Hostel: A Unique Model of Socially-responsible and Sustainable Tourism in Athens

March 2019: The AGORA program, Erasmus +, in Cluj, Romania

November-December 2018: The AGORA program, Erasmus +, in Manchester, England

June 2018: Τhe first part of the AGORA program, Erasmus +, Sweden

FOTOESSA as the Host Company in Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs Program 2019

WELCOME TO AGORA Erasmus+ Program!

September 2017: Fotoessa was certified in The Training of Trainers in Creative and Social Entrepreneurship Program (CSEP Training)

Lazord Foundation: Training on Leadership & Fellowship

“Intercultural Dialogue & Youth: Challenges – Competences – Best Practices” A transnational experiential workshop for Hons students

“ACT FOR A BETTER FUTURΕ!” an Erasmus+ Youth Exchange Project for a “sustainable intercultural interaction”

“The pot rolled and found its lid”: A participatory puppets play on conflict resolution “born” in the frame of an ALF Mobility for Creativity Programme

Permaculture seminar in Fotoessa’s garden

“Media Literacy for Women Empowerment” paper – A focus on Greece and Tunisia

“The AGORA toolkit for creative entrepreneurship” workshop in the frame of the EESD Forum 2024 in Rhodes

“Visual Bridges” transnational workshop on Ethical Photography, Intercultural Dialogue and Artivism

Presentation of ALF Intercultural Citizenship Education tools to the students of the School of Humanities, University of the Aegean

“Out of the Box”: all day Intercultural Workshop for Spanish students from Fundació Llor hosted by SCI Hellas’

Intercultural Dialogue workshop for NGO “People of Love” volunteers

“Frame the Change”: Ethical Storytelling & Photography Training by femLENS

“Bridging Boundaries”: Media Literacy training to empower Civil Society orgs

“Challenging Perception and Suspending Judgment” on line intercultural workshop for Youth Workers

Intercultural Workshop for SCI Hellas’ Young Volunteers

“Gender Identity & Violence when Empowering the Youth” (GIVEN) Erasmus+ program

“Change is a Journey” – Irish Youth Workers in Greece with Erasmus+ Youth Worker Mobility program

Presentation of the Creative and Social Entrepreneurship Programme (CSEP) at the workshop on “Innovative educational programs for vulnerable groups” of “NGO Competence” ERASMUS+

“From gender stereotypes to gender-based violence”: Interactive discussion

INTERCULTURAL WORKSHOP on SOCIAL RESILIENCE for Young Volunteers in the Municipality of Saronikos: “Exploring PERCEPTION”

Fotoessa participating in Greek Antipoverty Network’s Erasmus+ program: “NGO Competence – Improving the competences of NGO educators for social inclusion”

Experiential Workshops on INTERCULTURAL DIALOGUE and SOCIAL RESILIENCE for EDUCATORS of the Municipality of Saronikos

Conclusion of the “Intercultural Competences Development Workshops” Deree – The American College of Greece, Nov’21

Intercultural Capacity Building Training Program: “Identity and Interculturalism: From Me to We”

“INTERCULTURAL CAPACITY & TEAM BUILDING”: The “Pilot training in Intercultural Citizenship Education in the Euro-Mediterranean region” project in a Greek private company

Intercultural Workshop in Rhodes, in the framework of the meeting of the National ALF Network, Sep 2021

Intercultural Workshop within “BeMyVoice” Τransnational Μeeting in Luxemburg

Intercultural Citizenship Education in Paros within the “Women on islands, Motors of Sustainable Tourism” Program

“Developing Intercultural Competencies through STORY CIRCLES”- An UNESCO & ALF international training

Intercultural Competence Workshop with Patrick Gruczkun, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

Intercultural Citizenship Education: “Identity & Multiculturality” community activity

“Empty classrooms: the impact of COVID-19 on education”: Online discussion by “Friends of Europe”

First Intercultural Citizenship Education Virtual Exchange – 15 April 2020

ALF Training for Trainers on Intercultural Citizenship Education (25/11 to 1/12/19)

Holistic Life Coaching Seminar: Personal Empowerment as the key to achieving individual goals

Youth Seminar from “Sociality” Cooperative: The Importance of Online Presence

Seminar on Funding for Young Entrepreneurs

Orange Grove Seminar: Support for Startups

Dr Zoe Cournia: Seminar on Opportunities in European Funding for Young People

March 2019: The AGORA program, Erasmus +, in Cluj, Romania

November-December 2018: The AGORA program, Erasmus +, in Manchester, England

June 2018: Τhe first part of the AGORA program, Erasmus +, Sweden

WELCOME TO AGORA Erasmus+ Program!

September 2017: Fotoessa was certified in The Training of Trainers in Creative and Social Entrepreneurship Program (CSEP Training)

Lazord Foundation: Training on Leadership & Fellowship